Wednesday, July 15, 2020

International Human Rights Example

International Human Rights Example International Human Rights â€" Essay Example > Introduction International law and international relations has debated in depth the concept of human rights. Some scholars have argued that human rights mostly depend on cultures and state of a country. Are human rights universal? Yes they are universal because every human being is equal in every region of the world. Culture might differ but they all demand for equal responsibilities and rights to protects themselves. This paper will mainly focus on human rights being universal across the globe and also differences in human rights on bases of culture. Theoretically the term universal on human right can be argued as self-evident, inalienable and similar to all human kind across the world. Rights that are accepted in countries all across the globe are referred to as universal rights. After human rights universal declaration in 1948, various nations have accepted some of rights such as right to life, right to freedom and various others. Both culturally and traditionally human rights universalism are rooted deeply on liberal traditions of the western nations and thus for the rights to be referred to as universal it has to stretch across all region of the world. Despite the gaps between western principles and other nations across the world some similarities in cultures, ideological values and religions all human being are affected by almost similar issues. The common ideologies make it easy for human rights to be accepted universally. Body For scholars to assert that human rights are truly universal, they must proof that the rights are available and accessible by every human being in all nations (Donnelly, 2013). The biggest challenge on universalism of human rights is culture. Rights that are passed in relation to culture of a nation might differ from one country to another due to culture relativism. Most human rights considered to be universal have their roots from the western culture part of the world. Even though most human rights are based on western cultu re, all cultures across the world value human being peace and respect of life of their citizens and thus these cultures have placed greater importance on protecting individual rights. These cultures have built standards which have best in shielding individuals, making human rights paramount to all human kind across the globe (Donnelly, 2013). For this reason every human being from any part of the globe is entitled to similar privileges and rights regardless of their nation’s ideologies and cultures. Every human being is equal; hence they should enjoy equality before the law with human rights focused on every individual’s life and dignity important as that of another in various regions of the world. There are various organizations that have focused on ensuring that it is essential for human rights to be globally equal. Governments have ensured that they do not go the opposite of human rights; they act upholding human rights that have been declared by global world to protect hum an being (Baehr, 2016). Human rights are without no doubt universal, political leaders those have been seen to violate rights of human have not escaped punishment from world super powers for their actions. This is enough proof that regardless of cultures and political ideologies, human beings across the globe share the same rights and consequences follow those who do not follow them. Various leaders have been punished for violating human rights; this is a good example that global community does not treat countries differently even though nations have culture differences (Baehr, 2016).

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