Friday, February 14, 2020

Becoming an ATF Agent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Becoming an ATF Agent - Essay Example All ATF agents are required to receive at least a bachelor’s degree. The individual must be at least twenty-one years old and no older than thirty-seven. There are a number of smaller requirements as well. In these regards the individual must, â€Å"Complete and pass the ATF special agent assessment test and the Treasury Enforcement Agent exam† (Jess, 2011). Potential ATF agents also undergo stringent background testing, including a polygraph test. In addition, it’s noted that you will need to, â€Å"undergo a physical exam and drug screening. If you are selected to become an agent, you will also participate in a much more specific law enforcement training program† ("Criminal justice degrees," 2011). While ATF agents must receive a four-year degree, there is not a specific major or degree the individual must receive; although many ATF agents pursue studies in criminal justice, law, or related fields. In addition there are specific paths within the ATF that require post-graduate coursework. In terms of cost, there is a great amount of cost differential based on the type of education – public or private – the individual seeks. In addition, concerns related to room and board also make the cost highly relative. Once individuals are hired as ATF agents there is also a considerable amount of training. It’s noted that the individual undergoes, â€Å"9 weeks in Glynco, GA where new agents are trained in surveillance, arrest techniques, firearms training and other skills.   New agents then spend 13 weeks at FLETC where they are trained on explosives, bomb scene investigation and other similar areas† ("Atf agent career," 2011). Even as there are considerable requirements to become an ATF agent, the beginning salary is commensurate with the extensive training; in these regards, beginning agents make approximately $25,000 per year, but within a few years can make nearly $50,000. In conclusion,

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Independence Day Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Independence Day - Essay Example This paper discusses the history of the United States and the meanings attached to the Independence Day. On June 11 in the year 1976 a committee was appointed by congress to draft a declaration and the five committee members appointed included Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Robert Livingston, Thomas Jefferson and Roger Sherman who presented this draft to the congress on 28th of the same month. Voting was undertaken on the first of July whereby each colony had a single vote, South Carolina and Pennsylvania voted against declaring independence, however the next day South Carolina reversed its decision. New York on the other hand did not vote because delegates lacked authority to vote, however authority was granted a week later, and therefore on July 2 the declaration for independence was passed however congress debated on the draft changing it and deleting some of its passages. On July 4 congress finished the wording and approved the Declaration of Independence and which is now celebrated as the Independence Day. Majority have the view that on 4th July the united states declared its impendence from British rule, there are various meanings attached to this day including a day which the united states ... The following is an analysis of the happening on and before July 4 1976. Independence: Many have the view that independence was achieved on the 4th of July, however the independence was achieved through a series of activities that led to the independence of the thirteen colonies in the united states. Many argue that on July 4 the United States declared independent but from the activities it is evident that colonies declared independent on the 2nd of July 1976. From history it is evident that there was a draft declaration of independence prepared by a committee selected by congress on the 28th of June. The draft declaration was tabled in parliament on the first of July, on this day a few states including South Carolina and Pennsylvania rejected the declaration while New York did not have the authority to vote. On the second of July voting was undertaken and South Carolina reversed its decision and there were a total of twelve votes that accepted the declaration and New York did not participate in the voting. For this reason therefore it is evident that the declaration of independence by colonized states was done on the 2nd of July where 12 states denounced colonial rule and declared independent from British rule. In the next two days congress edited the declaration deleting some of the contents of the draft including slavery and slave trade, the revised copy was made public on the 4th of July although many states and army commanders received the document days after. Signing of the Declaration of Independence: History have the view that the declaration of independent was signed on the 4th of July by congress, however it is clear that some did not sign the