Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Use Of Securitisation Theory And Documentary Analysis

This study will use securitisation theory and documentary analysis to find that increased security from terrorism in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 (9/11) terrorism took precedence over the civil liberties of privacy and freedom. This paper focuses on how the George W. Bush Administration, hereby referred to as the Bush Administration, successfully justified the infringement of civil liberties post-9/11 although it will also include the revelations of Snowden in 2013 and how this impacted on public opinion. Bush used religious discourse following 9/11 to manipulate public opinion and create a â€Å"powerful spirit of unity† (Garfinkle, 2005). Security will be defined as political security, as described by the†¦show more content†¦However, it is often considered in tension with civil liberties such as privacy and freedom (Etzioni, 2005). This debate has been invigorated by 9/11 alongside the law changes and the surveillance program that fo llowed. The wider debate questions whether national security or civil liberties should champion the American way of life, assuming that the two are â€Å"inexorably intertwined† in a trade-off (Obama, 2010). Civil liberties refer to protections against government actions with their derivatives often rooted in the Bill of Rights. Whilst the right to privacy is not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution, it can be determined from several amendments, such as the search with â€Å"probable cause† outlined in the Fourth Amendment (U.S. Const. am. 4, 1791). Lynch (2012) would define civil liberties as ‘sacred’ and therefore should never be infringed upon. However, the ‘probable cause’ section was abused using powers granted by PATRIOT Act. It is common consensus among the literature that the PATRIOT Act was overreaching and overused to wrongly justify blanket surveillance. However, the PATRIOT Act also violated the First, Fourth and Fifth Amendments of the Bill of Rights. The First Amendment grants freedom of press (U.S. Const. am. 1, 1791). The Fifth Amendment grants protection to

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Huxleys Critique of Capitalism in Brave New World

In his novel Brave New World, Aldous Huxley confronts the way in which mass production and capitalism serve to disempower the individual by cementing a self-reinforcing system of consumption and production wherein the individual is reduced to his or her utilitarian function. Although the novel touches on a number of ways in which the individual is disempowered and commodified in contemporary society, from pacifying drugs to an overreliance on technology, Huxleys critique of capitalism remains the most prominent, if only because the novel includes explicit references to the father of modern capitalist production, Henry Ford. Huxleys critique of capitalism becomes most apparent in the third chapter of the novel, when the tour group is taken over by Mustapha Mond, his fordship and the Resident Controller for Western Europe. Examining Monds discussion of the time before the institution of the World State, Huxleys creative demonstration of capitalist reduction, and the function of the ind ividual within capitalist society reveals the ways in which the novel seeks to highlight the dangers of unrestrained capitalist and the consumer culture is perpetuates. Before examining Huxleys critique of capitalism in detail, it will be useful to briefly discuss the concept of planned obsolescence. In short, planned obsolescence means intentionally designing a product so that it will become obsolete within a determined period of time, such that the consumer will be forced to purchaseShow MoreRelatedHeart of a Dog - Mikhail Bulgakov3407 Words   |  14 Pages2 to the farcical revolution of 1917 and its misguided attempt to create a new Soviet man. The novella chronicles the life of a stray Moscow dog, Sharik, who, upon being rescued by a seemingly benevolent surgeon, Philip Philipovich Preobrazhensky, finds himself subjected to a gruesome operation in which both his pituitary gland and testes are replaced with those of a proletarian by the name of Klim Chugunkin. The new creature, insisting that he be addressed as Polygraph Polygraphovich SharikovRead MoreEssay on Analysis of George Orwells 19844218 Words   |  17 Pagesfiction which is timeless in interpretation. This is the reason that 1984 remains a relevant work of social and philosophical commentary more than fifty years after its completion. The fictional world of 1984 is best described as bleak. In the aftermath of the fall of capitalism and nuclear war, the world has been divided among three practically identical totalitarian nation-states. The novel takes place in London, which has become a part of Oceania, the nation state comprising the Americas and western

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Should Women Participate in Politics Free Essays

Do you agree or disagree that women should participate in politics? Opinion Essay Whether the women should participate in politics or not is debatable. We see that at the turn of the 21st century, almost every country in the world provides the right for women to participate in politics. Women make up half of the population of every country in the world, they can vote and support candidates. We will write a custom essay sample on Should Women Participate in Politics or any similar topic only for you Order Now But despite of these facts, they are not well represented in politics, in contrast to men. As Amon Karagara (2008) mentioned â€Å"The worldwide average percentage of women in national parliaments is only 16%†. It is often said that women face more difficulties than men in politics. As well as politics shows the fact of predominance of men, it also includes some problems to women with health, the difficulty of creating a strong family and even life-threatening. The first reason why women should not participate in politics is taking care of their health, because stress that they experience from taking part in politics supports a variety of diseases. It is true that women are tempted to crying. The Health Magazine agrees with this point, saying, â€Å"In women, the part of the brain that deals with stress is linked to the area that controls hormones, which is not the case in men. That means that women tend to exhibit more physical symptoms from stress than men†. Also women stand political pressures harder. Stress affects every bodily system or body part. So, participation in politics is actually bad for a women health. Another reason related to difficulties of creation a family. We know that the most significant professions for women are wifehood and motherhood. If woman becomes a politician, she will have some difficulties with creating a good family. Every year politicians leave their children because of business trips. Some of them move their families with them to different places, but it is very hard for children to change atmosphere too often, and also it interferes with their learning. We all know that motherhood is a wonder with a lot of joys and challenges. And the role of women is confined to dedicate most of their energy to parenting and taking care of the home. Another reason related to difficulties of creation a family. Every year politicians leave their children because of business trips. Some of them move their families with them to different places, but it is very hard for children to change atmosphere too often, and also it interferes with their learning. From my point of view, the most significant professions for women are wifehood and motherhood. If woman becomes a politician, she will have some difficulties with creating a good family. We all know that motherhood is a wonder with a lot of joys and challenges. And the role of women is confined to dedicate most of their energy to parenting and taking care of the home. The last reason for women not to be a politician is danger for their lives. There are a lot of sudden attacks for political reasons. In the modern world, the killing of important people involves with struggle for power. Most modern murders have been committed either during a public performance because of weaker security. So, to consider all these things, a lot of women have come a long way into a male dominated world but it isn’t right because firstly the woman must be woman. Modern women are beginning to become politicians, directors in business companies. But what comes to mind when we think about the word â€Å"politics†? The popular political figures who are mostly male. Nowadays, some women compete for men in positions that were traditionally for men. Nevertheless, the best women’s purpose is motherhood. The best thing a girl can be is a good wife and mother. How to cite Should Women Participate in Politics, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

All the Presidents Men Essay Example For Students

All the Presidents Men Essay The movie All the Presidents Men 1976, is based on the work of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein two Washington Post newspaper writers, who uncovered the cover-up of the White Houses involvement in the Democratic Party National headquarters, Watergate, break-in. At first, Bob Woodward discovers what seems to be a minor break-in but is surprised to find that top lawyers were already on the defense case. He also discovers that names and addresses of Republican fund organizers were being accused, which further aroused his suspicions. When he brings this to the attention of the head of the Washington Post, he is prepared to run with the story and assigns Woodward and Carl Bernstein to it. Their findings of this break-in paved a path that lead to the White House, where it was soon learned that President Richard M. Nixon of the USA, was involved and resigned after Woodward and Bernsteins findings. Conversely, my two significant instances are, Woodward and Bernsteins actions on their process of contacting the sources that were involved because they worked for the re-election committee. The other instance I chose is that of both Woodward and Bernstein intruding into the house of Mr. Sloan very late at night, a man well interacted with the political figures they were researching on. Woodward and Bernstein didnt abide by many of the values and ethics theories weve learned from our book and in class. It also seemed as if the unethical actions they took werent as enforced then as they are now. Woodward and Bernstein took the action of contacting various sources for their source of information on the Watergate case. The lists of people contacted by the two were those that worked for the re-election committee. They asked a Washington Post female co-worker to get them the offices worker directory since she used to date one of the men that worked at the committee. They then took these workers phone numbers from the directory listing and called them up. This is unethical according to the theories listed in our book, first of they are using anothers past relation in order to get papers for them, and second they are intruding in these workers lives. The problem would not be that big if they just gave a call, but when they noticed no one answered their phones they actually went out and bombarded these people at their homes with questions, when the information they took were without permission in the first place. Their actions did not follow both Boks Model and Aristotles Golden Mean theories. One of Boks values on ethical issues is to have empathy for others, which Bernstein and Woodward didnt have. They both knew that the workers were being watched after a few tries of door knocking and that by them showing up and talking can cause these people to lose their jobs. They both still pursued on and didnt care what would happen with those people. Aristotles Golden Mean of making the majority happy was also not applied. As they made these people more scared of what if they loose their jobs, and of intruding in their houses unexpectedly. Also they were not making the politics involved or anyone working or that voted for them happy, as it seemed as if they were degrading these public figures. On the other hand, another instance that was not of ethical justice was that of both Woodward and Bernstein appearing at the house of Mr. Sloan. A person that is very active with the politicians involved in this mystery and also a high ranked worker for the re-election committee. Both of the journalists showed up at his house very late at night through his backyard, and all that Mr. Sloan can see were shadows. It seemed, as thieves were getting ready to raid his home. But to his surprise it was Woodward and Bernstein. .ucc012d216fc5edc55613fe589c06bc62 , .ucc012d216fc5edc55613fe589c06bc62 .postImageUrl , .ucc012d216fc5edc55613fe589c06bc62 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucc012d216fc5edc55613fe589c06bc62 , .ucc012d216fc5edc55613fe589c06bc62:hover , .ucc012d216fc5edc55613fe589c06bc62:visited , .ucc012d216fc5edc55613fe589c06bc62:active { border:0!important; } .ucc012d216fc5edc55613fe589c06bc62 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucc012d216fc5edc55613fe589c06bc62 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucc012d216fc5edc55613fe589c06bc62:active , .ucc012d216fc5edc55613fe589c06bc62:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucc012d216fc5edc55613fe589c06bc62 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucc012d216fc5edc55613fe589c06bc62 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucc012d216fc5edc55613fe589c06bc62 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucc012d216fc5edc55613fe589c06bc62 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucc012d216fc5edc55613fe589c06bc62:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucc012d216fc5edc55613fe589c06bc62 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucc012d216fc5edc55613fe589c06bc62 .ucc012d216fc5edc55613fe589c06bc62-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucc012d216fc5edc55613fe589c06bc62:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Terminator 2 "Judgement Day" Analysis EssayIn pertaining to Boks model again, they werent really abiding by her theory on empathy. Bok explains to ask yourself if the actions you are taking are right beforehand and if it is obligatory for you to do such things. It was obvious that Woodward and Bernstein did not asked themselves these questions before going out there. In todays society everything is stricter and you have to abide by and know your media ethical rules and theories. It is important in todays media workplace to know and apply all the theories listed, including that of Boks and Aristotles. In the 70s it seemed as if this was not a huge issue, but after seeing the Woodward and Bernstein case, a lot of the theories were rechecked and updated to make people feel more secure. Although Woodward and Bernstein did get out there and showed the public what goes on behind the political scenes and made us aware of being more careful when voting for our next president. These findings could have not been done in a different matter than the ones taken by Woodward and Bernstein, since everything was being kept so secretive.